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Blue Ocean Megaphone Instruction Manuals

Blue Ocean Megaphone Specifications

A guide to help you utilize all the features of your new Megaphone

Blue Ocean Megaphone Downloads

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CoxBox Instruction Manuals

CoxBox Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting Guide

Specifications, tips, error codes and best practices for use with the 0105 Cox Box / Megaphone Battery

CoxBox Instruction Manual

CoxBox Maintenance Kit

CoxBox Mini Operation, Maintenance, Battery Use, Battery Charging, Battery Messages

CoxBox Mini Dial removal and cleaning instructions

CoxBox Panel Protector Installation Instructions

CoxBox Speaker Wiring Diagram

Microphone Installation Instructions

CoxBox Boat Wiring

4+ 2 Speaker Set Up

8+ 3 Speaker Setup

All Wiring Setup

CoxBox single speaker lead Audio connection only.

CoxBox audio wire speaker lead plus rate sensor lead

Audio connection with one speaker lead and M connection.

Extension cord for Harness Module A+. Connects to a speaker and to another speaker or modular harness.

Connects a rate sensor to the Harness Module A+ to provide stroke rate.

CoxBox Troubleshooting Documents

329090 pg 2 Speakerplug_repair 3031

CoxBox Customer Operation and Diagnostic Guide

CoxBox Wiring Harness Repair "Pigtail" (Part # 3032)

Troubleshooting document for the FAQ, Why am I getting Hi Deg Errors when charging the Cox Box?

Material Data Safety Sheet for Lithium Ion Batteries used in CB 08 and Blue Ocean Megaphones

Replacing the Stroke Rate Sensor (HD Harness, Part Number 0214)

Replacing the Stroke Rate Sensor (Legacy Harness, Part Number 0212) This part will replace the stroke rate sensor that is installed in the shell - mounted on the deck under the seat magnet.


Testing CoxBox Wiring in an 8 with a Multimeter

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SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Instruction Manuals

This is a guide for using NK LiNK Logbook, including streaming live data, uploading data and reviewing data sessions. Now includes Team Logbook functionality!

SpeedCoach Gold User Guide, Installation, Operation, Memory, Calibration, Battery Replacement, Maintenance

SpeedCoach and SpeedCoach with Heart Rate Belt Instruction Manual

SpeedCoach GPS Model 2 Includes Training Pack Upgrade, Installation, Basic Operations, Setup Menu, Advanced Setup, Specifications, Menu Navigation, Memory, GPS Function and Accuracy, Workouts, Impeller Calibration, Battery Use and Charging

A German translated version of the SpeedCoach GPS Model 2 instructions

SpeedCoach OC Model 2 Instruction Manual

SpeedCoach Red User Guide

SpeedCoach SUP & SpeedCoach SUP with Heart Rate Belt Instruction Manual

SpeedCoach SUP Model 2 Includes Training Pack Installation, Basic Operations, Setup Menu, Advanced Setup, Specifications, Menu Navigation, Memory, GPS Function and Accuracy, Workouts, Impeller Calibration, Battery Use and Charging

SpeedCoach Interface Upload Software Instructions

SpeedCoach XL Coach's Mount

SpeedCoach XL Instruction Manual for XL1 and XL2

SpeedCoach XL3 and XL4 User Guide

StrokeCoach Instruction Manual

German translation of the StrokeCoach with Surge instructions.

SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Wiring

SpeedCoach Impeller Only Wiring Installation. Applicable to SpeedCoach GPS and OC units.

Goes into detail on the different harnesses and mounts that you can use with a SpeedCoach.

SpeedCoach Wiring Diagram for a Single (1x)

SpeedCoach Wiring Installation Instructions including seat sensor. Applicable to SpeedCoach XL, Red and Gold.

SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Downloads

This is guidance on how to update your SpeedCoach firmware with LiNK for OS/X (MAC). NOTE: The process has changed with release of firmware 2.22

Material Data Safety Sheet for the Lithium Ion battery used in a SpeedCoach GPS/SUP/OC unit


Example of exported CSV file from SpeedCoach Model 2. Does not include oarlock data.

Example of exported CSV file from SpeedCoach Model 2. Does not include oarlock data.

Program for downloading data from the SpeedCoach Gold or SpeedCoach XL products only.

Release notes for SpeedCoach GPS, SUP & OC (Version 2.25)


Version 2.22. Note the process has CHANGED on how to do the updates. See Included instructions

Version 2.22 - 10/15/19 Fixes issue where certain Android devices could not pair to Live Stream data with LiNK Logbook.

Example SUP data that can be exported from SpeedCoach SUP Model 2 as a CSV file

SUP Training Program from Eccentric Motion System / Paddle Power Trainer Mick

Example SUP workout data that can be exported from SpeedCoach SUP Model 2 as a CSV file

SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Troubleshooting Documents

Comparison of SpeedCoach Model 2 Units: Rowing vs SUP vs OC

Some guidance on sending exported FIT files to 3rd party sites.

A quick solution to fixing a heart rate belt that is displaying erratic readings

Here is guidance on how to submit an order and sending a tax exempt form to apply to that order.

This tutorial shows how to automatically sync your uploaded sessions in NK LiNK Logbook directly to Strava.

This document will show you how to automatically sync your NK LiNK Logbook sessions directly into your account.

This is a tutorial on how you update your SpeedCoach, CoxBox Core/GPS or Empower Oarlock using NK LINK For Windows.

Attached is a workaround to have NK LiNK for Windows display correctly on high definition monitors

Replacing the Stroke Rate Sensor (HD Harness, Part Number 0214)

Replacing the Stroke Rate Sensor (Legacy Harness, Part Number 0212)

This is a quick guide on what to look for if you changed batteries and the power no longer comes on with your SpeedCoach Red or Gold or Strokecoach.

This tutorial shows how you can use a cell phone with text to speech and NK LiNK Logbook to transmit audio to the rower on one specific SpeedCoach measurement.

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Empower Oarlock Instruction Manuals

Detailed instructions to Install, Pair, Configure and Calibrate your EmPower Oarlock.

Empower Oarlock Downloads

Shows you which size bushing you would need for the various sweep and sculling boats out there.

EmPower Oarlock firmware version 1.02 for use with OS X

EmPower Oarlock firmware version 1.02

Troubleshooting the Pin Calibration Process - Shows common issues why swing calibration fails

This document shows you how to update your Oarlock firmware with either LINK Logbook for iOS/Android or Windows/OSX.

This document shows what changed with new versions of the Empower Oarlock

Oarlock Template Tutorial

Provide guidance of showing your oarlock Stroke Profile by importing CSV files into an Excel sheet. Can compare multiple rowers as well. This functionality now exists in LiNK Logbook however without any manipulation. (Comparing multiple rowers will be in LiNK Logbook by the end of 2019 by using the Team functionality.)

Representative Oarlock Values by Class and Skill Levels

Provide guidance of showing your oarlock Stroke Profile by importing CSV files into an Excel sheet. Can compare multiple rowers as well. This functionality now exists in LiNK Logbook however without any manipulation. (Comparing multiple rowers will be in LiNK Logbook by the end of 2019 by using the Team functionality.)

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Interval Watch Instruction Manuals

Interval 2000 Split + Rate Watch Instruction Manual

Interval 2000XC Split Watch Instruction Manual

Interval Watchware Software Quick Start Guide

Interval Watch Downloads


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CoxBox Core and CoxBox GPS User Manual

CoxBox Core and CoxBox GPS User Manual

This is a German translated version of the CoxBox Core and GPS instructions.

CoxBox Core/GPS Troubleshooting Documents

Here's how to quickly adapt your CoxBox Cup Holder to fit the CoxBox Core/GPS Unit

CoxBox Core and GPS Harness Diagram for 4s and 8s with different speaker configurations.

A graphical explanation on why charging until full will ensure the battery is balanced every time with the new CoxBox.

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SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Wiring

SpeedCoach Impeller Only Wiring Installation. Applicable to SpeedCoach GPS and OC units.

Goes into detail on the different harnesses and mounts that you can use with a SpeedCoach.

SpeedCoach Wiring Diagram for a Single (1x)

SpeedCoach Wiring Installation Instructions including seat sensor. Applicable to SpeedCoach XL, Red and Gold.

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